muscleman - significado y definición. Qué es muscleman
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Qué (quién) es muscleman - definición

Musculman; Muscle Men; MUSCLE Men
  • A bodybuilder, Jacob Allmendinger, posing onstage during a competition. The pose is a variation of the "most muscular".

¦ noun (plural musclemen) a large, strong man, especially one employed for protection or to intimidate people.



Muscleman may denote any man with well-developed muscles, in particular a bodybuilder. In art-related and anatomical contexts, the term is also used for a model in wax (or, in modern times, of unbreakable plastic material) showing the muscles of a man. Such a figure showing the muscles of the human body without skin is also called écorché.

Ejemplos de uso de muscleman
1. Their own muscleman may be governor of California, but an Oscar is something they don‘t see every day.
2. But this is Andy Murray with a new muscleman look, proving the wonderkid of British tennis has finally grown up.
3. When it comes to attracting glitz and glitter, the former champion muscleman has a built–in edge, even in Democratic–tilting Hollywood.
4. It was the 2006 equivalent of the 1'50s sand–in–your–face insult that drove a generation of '0–pound weaklings to sign up with muscleman Charles Atlas.
5. Grade Job: Mr Blair meets ‘Governator‘ Arnie Schwarzenegger Tony Blair‘s last foreign–dignitary visitor in Downing Street was, by happy event, the sometime muscleman and film actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.